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Finding an editor: one of the hardest decisions an author will need to make

I’m super busy at the moment writing for three different projects. One, my novel, is approaching the stage where I am going to need an editor. So I’ve started looking.

Heart of a Child 70Where do I start? With what I know and trust is the answer. I know both Cayce Berryman and Michelle King through as fellow admins for Authors Tale and I love their work. Cayce was the editor-in-chief for the anthology Heart of a Child, where you can find my first two published stories: Goodnight and God Be With You All and Tell Us A Story, Pa. (Shameless plug warning: if you would like to read these, and many other great stories, you can get Heart of a Child here.)

Anyway, back on track. Cayce and Michelle have now joined forces and have created Kingsman Editing Services. I love these girls AND their work. If only they used British English … If only I could bring myself to use American English… (sigh).


If you are good with AmE – I can highly recommend these guys. They are writers as well as editors – so they understand what an author wants. And they are passionate about getting a finished product that is excellent.

I wonder if I can live with AmE … (sigh).



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Kerry A Waight - Author

A writer of historical fiction and paranormal stories.

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